# Basic usage

Let's see the most basic usage of the component:

    @clear="(val) => value = ''"
    @select="(selected) => value = selected.value"

This will render the cascader-select with the given options, and allow the user to select any of them!

# Props

Name Type Required Default value
options Array
placeholder String 'Please select...'
value String

# options

Options passed down to the cascader-select. This prop is an array of objects. In each object the label and value keys are required while options, selectable and disabled keys are optional.

Let's see an example:

    label: 'Frontend',
    value: 'Frontend',
    disabled: true,
    options: [
      { label: 'Vue', value: 'Vue' },
      { label: 'React', value: 'React' },
      { label: 'Svelte', value: 'Svelte' },
    label: 'Backend',
    value: 'Backend',
    disabled: true,
    options: [
      { label: 'Ruby on Rails', value: 'Ruby on Rails' },
      { label: 'NodeJS', value: 'NodeJS' },
      { label: 'Elixir', value: 'Elixir' },

# Events

Name Parameters When?
clear Emitted when clicking on the cross icon
select value Emitted when an option is selected
Last Updated: 3/6/2020, 4:13:39 PM